Pilates and our Continual Search for Connection

Pilates and our Continual Search for Connection

I did have a new shiny post all ready to go, but I cannot altogether squash a different thought that’s been tap-tap-tapping at my brain. Given last week’s post you’ll be happy to know I have spent the past week moving in my workouts and moving my clients in the following manner:

What if each movement is a search for connection? With this intention we can take action. We move with purpose. We are on a quest and we must find the answer.

Can I connect my limbs deeper into the body with every move I make?

Did I just crank my shoulder or shove my leg out there?

Or have I found an integrated full body movement?

What is this exercise for? “It’s for the body.” You kept telling us, Joe. Will we ever learn?

At the risk of over-thinking it…again.

What about connection on a larger scale? Connection to our fellow humans and the outside world lifts our spirits – enriches our souls – just as true connection to our center lifts our bodies and eases our burdens.

I don’t think it is too big a leap.

Much has been said about the current state of our over-connected virtual worlds. Buried in our iPhones we potentially drift far away from friends and family who are literally in the same room with us. But this weekend my social media world came alive. Facebook friends unite!

Hugs feel better in person

In 2004 The Pilates Method Alliance designated the first Saturday in May as Pilates Day.

Finally this year I celebrated in style!

  1. I attended 2 fantastic workshops and an invigorating mat class @ Prana Pilates all taught by the lovely, passionate and nerdy Benjamin Degenhardt.
  2. I connected with online friends, many of whom I met for the first time.
  3. I ate several pieces of cake emblazoned with a photo of Joe Pilates teaching the Mat.

It doesn’t get more official than that.

Curiously, I just discovered May 4 was declared Star Wars day in 2011. So I suppose I could have tried a little harder on the geek-out overall, but I assure you I used the force, albeit both of them and in opposition.

I have also rediscovered Desiderata. Gosh it was a good weekend. Did I mention there was cake?


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